Sunday, December 28, 2014

Negative Images of Black Women on My TV Screen

Negative Images of Black Women on My TV Screen

Unfortunately, this day and age the black women on my television reminds me of a week of excruciating period cramps. What's worst than endometriosis pain? Not only does their narcissistic attitudes make me want to vomit all over their faces, but the creation of these ridiculous words that are now being added to the urban dictionary changes what use to be Urban to Rachet Dictionary. 40" inch hair weave hanging down from everyone's scalp pretending to be someone and something that they're not. Pow Pow Pow Pow to your self confidence and you can't tell me that it doesn't effect the way that you view yourself. I'm not going to lie, I love my 22" weave but the first and last time I wore that, the perimeter of my poor hair line was calling out for Jesus. Anyway let's get to the point! I'm a black woman who is tremendously ashamed of how some of my fellow sisters portray us on television. Real tv my ass! Fighting, drama, more fighting and taking steps to look like black barbies. 


Dont get me wrong, there are negative images that are being portrayed on my tv-screen of Caucasians, Indians, and Chinese cultures that I also do not, and will never appreciate. These networks do whatever they can to capitalize off of “Ratchet” shit. Even if they have to depict any and everyone as being idiots, but that’s another story.

Shows such as "Bad Girls Club, 'Love and Hip Hop," "Real Housewives of Atlanta" "Doctor Wives" are only just a few of the tv shows that illustrate black women negatively. While our young women of today sit at home in front of their televisions taking in what these women are putting out. Possibly and unfortunately seeing them as role models! Thank goodness and shouts out to shows such as Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, Greys Anatomy, Black-ish which uplifts women, placing them in different divisions of power, reflecting their intelligence. Yes, there are some unfavorable acts in the shows but of course that's for high ratings. At the end of the day, everything on tv is for ratings. However, reality tv seems to piss me off the most. We’re headed down the wrong path with self-expression in the black culture and need to keep in the back of our minds to just be ourselves, be original, be you and be true! 

So back to the excruciating painful period cramps because of the very sight of these women who portray us black women as being ratchet. The weak individuals they make us out to be in our personal relationships allowing men to cheat or walk all over us is not an image that should be of any kind of entertainment. These women need help, and these tv networks are only making a killing by discrediting their character while at the same time poisoning the minds of the younger generations coming up. It's not ok. 

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